Wednesday, December 16, 2020


IN THIS VIDEO I SHARE SOME THINGS THAT ARE HELPING ME DEAL WITH PANDEMIC FATIGUE. MOMS HAVE A LOT ON OUR PLATES DURING THIS TIME AND BECASUE THE COVID-19 SITUATION SEEMS TO BE JUST DRAGGING ON IT IS REALLY STARTING TO TAKE A TOLL ON MOMS. I SHARE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM PANDEMIC FATIGUE AND HOW TO COPE WITH IT. THIS IS A GREAT ARTICLE REGARDING PANDEMIC FATIGUE. I AM QUOTING FROM THE ARTICLE HERE: Has living under the threat of COVID-19 begun to wear you down? If so, you are not alone. For months, people around the globe have had to adapt to living under the threat of this pandemic. Many “have made huge sacrifices to contain COVID-19,” says Dr. Hans Kluge, World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe. “In such circumstances it is easy and natural to feel apathetic and demotivated, to experience fatigue.” If you are experiencing what is being called pandemic fatigue, take courage. The Bible is helping many to cope with life during this stressful time. It can help you too. What is pandemic fatigue? Why is pandemic fatigue serious? What Bible principles can help you to beat pandemic fatigue? Bible verses to help with pandemic fatigue What is pandemic fatigue? Pandemic fatigue is not a medical condition but is a term used to describe the natural response people feel to the prolonged uncertainty and disruption caused by a pandemic. While each person reacts differently, some common signs of pandemic fatigue include: Lack of motivation Changes in eating or sleeping habits Irritability Stress over tasks that would normally be handled well Difficulty concentrating Feelings of hopelessness Why is pandemic fatigue serious? Pandemic fatigue poses a serious threat to our safety and that of others. If we do not battle it, we may gradually begin to lose our motivation to follow COVID-safe practices. Over time, we may become complacent about the virus, even while it continues to spread and kill. Tired of living under restrictions, we may seek greater freedom, which could put us and others at risk.

WORK IT MOMMY PODCAST Learn, Connect, Encourage The goal here is to learn to BE THE BEST MOM EVER. That looks a little different for everyone. That's the beauty of it. Being a mom can be stressful but we can do it and come out on the other end happy and with a grand sense of accomplishment knowing that we have given our all to our children. It's true, babies don't come with a set of instructions but it's our job as mothers to do all we can to make motherhood work for us. How does a mom learn to be the best she can be as a parent and empower her future generation? We do it by connecting with other moms for support. We do it by lovingly building each other up. We do it by listening to each other. Work it mommy Podcast Topics revolve around parenting for all stages and ages, children's and women's health, life balance, nutrition, mental & emotional health for mothers and children, beauty, fashion, business and career development. Product reviews, kitchen time savers and recipes. Delivering solo episodes, conversations and interviews in a real and relatable format. Mildly comedic podcast encouraging mom's to be the best mom ever and most importantly maintain our sanity while you do it! How to stay balanced. How to instill positive qualities in your child. Life balance. Time saver tips. How to overcome challenges at every age. How to maintain your glam while being a mother. Wide range of topics in parenting, nutrition, product reviews, childhood development, pregnancy, newborns, toddlers, young kids & teens. Delivered in a no frills tell it like it is manner. Solo episodes, group discussions and interviews.

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